Price List (Wash)

Prices are inclusive of ironing, we've already got that covered!
Wash and Fold Only (per kg) - Wash $4.50
Winter Hat / Winter Scarf - Wash $3.90
T-Shirt / Shirt / Blouse / Vest - Wash $4.50
Shorts / Bermuda / Trousers / Pants / Slack - Wash $4.50
Jeans - Wash $4.90
Skirt (3/4 Length) - Wash $5.00
Skirt (Full Length) - Wash $6.00
Business Jacket (Ladies) - Wash $9.90
Business Jacket (Men) - Wash $9.90
Dress (Short) - Wash $7.90
Dress (Long & Medium) - Wash $11.90
Jumpsuit - Wash $9.90
Army Uniform (No. 4) - Wash $8.50
Winter Coat (Adults) - Wash $22.90
Windbreaker - Wash $12.00
Towel (Face & Hand) - Wash $1.00
Towel (Bath) - Wash $2.50
Pillowcase / Bolster Case - Wash $2.50
Pillowcase / Bolster Case Protector - Wash $3.90
Pillow / Bolster - Wash $14.90
Bedsheet (Single) - Wash $4.50
Bedsheet (King & Queen) - Wash $6.90
Blanket (Cotton) - Wash $10.90
Quilt / Comforter Cover (Single) - Wash $6.90
Quilt / Comforter Cover (King & Queen) - Wash $8.90
Quilt / Comforter (Single) - Wash $8.90
Quilt / Comforter (King & Queen) - Wash $13.90
Mattress Protector (Single) - Wash $10.90
Mattress Protector (King & Queen) - Wash $12.50
Cushion Covers (Small) - Wash $3.90
Cushion Covers (Medium & Large) - Wash $5.90
Sleeping Bag - Wash $15.00
Sofa Cover (Per kg) - Wash $10.50
Curtains (Per kg) - Excl. Dismantle & Installation - Wash $10.00
Tablecloth - Wash and Fold Only (per kg) - Wash $5.00
Prices quoted are subjected to change depending on material and size.
For items not shown above such as Mattress Topper, Rug etc,
please Whatapps 8613 9583 for quotation.

Terms and Conditions
1. Customers are reminded to remove all ornaments, belts and special buttons before handling items to our friendly representative. CE Porter will not be holding any responsibility on the loss of any items as a result.
2. All items must be claimed within 30 days from the date of receipt, after which we shall not be liable for any loss or damage of articles.
3. We encourage customer to check items immediately when delivery is made. Claims made after twenty-four (24) hours will not be accepted.
4. Customers shall not hold CE Porter liable for fading, shrinkage, deterioration caused by wear and tear, manufacturers' fault induced defects or ornaments or buttons that cannot withstand cleaning or pressing. For load wash there will be no liability by CE Porter.
5. In the event of any other loss, damage to item or loss by fire for which CE Porter may accept liability, without prejudice, such liability shall not exceed five (5) times the rates charged on the service value of the item or up to a maximum of SGD100, whichever shall be lower and provided always that the claim is made within twenty-four (24) hours after the item is delivered. Apart from the claim mentioned herein, we are not liable to pay any other claim compensation, damages of whatsoever nature.
6. Any item after claim settlement due to partially or completely damaged it remains the property of CE Porter.